When you have a small or mid-level startup, then finding good leads and nurturing them can be a difficult task to manage on your own. Virtualhire provides you with expert virtual assistants who can help you with lead generation work while you can focus on the growth of the company. Our VAs are reliable, experienced, and use advanced technologies to find the perfect leads for your industry type. The VAs not only help you find the perfect leads but also build high-quality and accurate databases of prospective leads in your targeted industries.

So, if you need to boost your lead generation strategy, one of the best things you can do is hire a remote virtual assistant specialising in this field. They can help you improve your potential customer’s database and, therefore, your sales.


1. Lead research through LinkedIn

2. Lead generation through online research

3. Lead research through paid software / applications

4. Email finding through crawler applications

5. Competitor research

6. Network growth through LinkedIn management

7. Email support

Virtual Lead Generation VA will design, predict, and analyse data throughout the lead generation process. Hiring a virtual assistant for marketing, bookkeeping, SEO, and most importantly, lead generation is what growing startups are doing right now. When it comes to businesses, busy business owners can’t be available all the time for sales. In the best case studies, chasing a lead has not worked well any of the time; this is also relatable for us as customers.


1. Increased sales

2. Expand your professional network

3. By properly curating your lead generation strategy you can?

4. Build databases of potential customers

5. Test different industries / sectors as leads

6. Target campaigns to individuals rather than companies

7. Grow engagement to your brand and social media channels

These are experts who know what they’re doing; all they need is a basic understanding of your company and the strategy that your approach is based on, and that’s it.

The best startups and businesses use proper tools and techniques to store the data of their leads, which is essential. It is certainly vital to generate leads, but it is more important to manage these leads using the best available tools.

It accounts for most of the progress you make on your leads when you approach each lead personally, as a virtual assistant does. Having a professional approach toward all your leads is how you will get good credibility for making your business reach more relevant people in the future. With the strategic marketing of your brand, it is essential to make an impression to have them come back for more and stay loyal to your services.